Organization and Statutes of the IGCP
Decreto-lei n.º 200/2012, de 27 de agosto (subsequently amended by Declaração de Retificação n.º 56/2012 de 3 de outubro), which created the Treasury and Public Debt Management Agency - IGCP, E.P.E., and approved its statutes.
Public Debt
Lei n.º 7/98, de 3 de fevereiro (consolidated version with the provisions of article 81 of Law No. 87-B/98, of December 31), which approved the general regime for the issuance and management of public debt.
State Treasury
Decreto-lei n.º 191/99, de 5 de junho (consolidated version with Law No. 3-B/2000, of April 4, and Law No. 107-B/2003, of December 31).
Portaria n.º 156/2024/1, de 28 de maio, which approved the Regulation of the Single Collection Document.
Portaria n.º 994/99, de 5 de novembro, which approved the regulations regarding the registration of public funds movement operations.
Aviso n.º 29181/2024/2, de 27 de dezembro, regarding the default interest rate applicable to debts to the State and other public entities for 2025
Aviso n.º 678/2024, de 12 de janeiro, regarding the default interest rate applicable to debts to the State and other public entities for 2024.
Aviso n.º 904/2025//2, de6 de janeiro, indicating the release dates of monthly amounts for salaries and subsidies from the Central State Treasury to various ministries for the economic year 2025.
Aviso n.º 15176/2024/2, de 23 de julho, regarding the monthly release dates for salaries and subsidies of ministries for the economic year 2024.
- Administrative Transparency
Money laundering and financing of terrorism
Lei n.º 83/2017, de 18 de agosto, (consolidated version that establishes measures to combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism, partially transposes Directives 2015/849/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, of May 20, 2015, and 2016/2258/EU of the Council, of December 6, 2016, amends the Penal Code and the Industrial Property Code, and repeals Law No. 25/2008, of June 5, and Decree-Law No. 125/2008, of July 21.)
Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 69/2022, de 9 de agosto, which approves the National Strategy for the Prevention and Combat of Money Laundering, Financing of Terrorism, and Financing of the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Lei n.º 97/2017, de 23 de agosto, which regulates the application and execution of restrictive measures approved by the United Nations or the European Union and establishes the sanctioning regime applicable to violations of these measures.
Decreto-Lei n.º 109-E/2021, de 9 de dezembro, which created the National Anti-Corruption Mechanism and establishes the general regime for the prevention of corruption.
Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 37/2021 de 6 de abril, which approved the National Anti-Corruption Strategy 2020-2024.
- Investors
Treasury Bills
Decreto-lei n.º 279/98, de 17 de setembro (subsequently amended by Decreto-lei n.º 91/2003, de 30 de abril, by Decreto-lei n.º 40/2012, de 20 de fevereiro and by Decreto-lei n.º 261/2012, de 17 de dezembro), which approved the legal regime of Treasury Bills.
Instrução n.º 2/2024 do IGCP, E.P.E., de 8 de fevereiro, regarding the issuance of Treasury Bills and Status of Market Operators.
Treasury Bonds
Decreto-lei n.º 280/98, de 17 de setembro, which approved the legal regime of Treasury Bonds.
Instrução n.º 3/2024 do IGCP, E.P.E., de 8 de fevereiro, regarding the issuance of Treasury Bonds and Status of Market Operators.
Variable Yield Treasury Bonds (OTRV)
Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 86/2015, de 2 de outubro (subsequently amended by Declaração de Retificação n.º 45/2015, de 13 de outubro, which approved the legal regime of Variable Yield Treasury Bonds, under the terms of Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 3/2015, de 12 de janeiro, which establishes the conditions under which the issuance of new Treasury bonds with a variable interest rate is permitted.
Instrução n.º 1-A/2015 do IGCP, de 21 de outubro, regarding the issuance of Variable Yield Treasury Bonds.
- Retail
Savings Certificates
Decreto-Lei n.º 122/2002, de 4 de maio (consolidated version with the amendments introduced by Decree-Law No. 47/2008, of March 13, and Decree-Law No. 79/2024 of October 30), which approved the legal regime of savings certificates.
Instrução n.º 1/2023 do IGCP, E.P.E., de 18 de agosto, which defined the procedures regarding the opening and operation of savings accounts and the transmission of savings products.
Instrução n.º 1/2024 do IGCP, E.P.E., de 06 de fevereiro, referring to the amounts to be charged to interested parties for administrative procedures related to the issuance, subscription, transmission, and refund of retail debt securities.
Instruction No. 4/2024, of November 28, which defines the procedures required to initiate the process of eliminating the role of the handler for series A, B, C, and D of the savings certificates
Savings Certificates - Series A
Decreto n.º 43454, de 30 de dezembro de 1960 (consolidated version with the amendments introduced by Decree-Law No. 122/2002, of May 4, by Decree-Law No. 47/2008, of March 13, and by Decree-Law No. 79/2024, of October 30).
Portaria n.º 73-B/2008, de 23 de janeiro, which approves the base interest rate for Series A and B savings certificates.
Savings Certificates - Series B
• Decreto-lei n.º 172-B/86, de 30 de junho (consolidated version with the amendments introduced by Rectification Declaration No. 174/1986, of July 31, and Decree-Law No. 122/2002, of May 4, Decree-Law No. 47/2008, of March 13, and Decree-Law No. 79/2024, of October 30).
• Portaria n.º 73-B/2008, de 23 de janeiro, which approves the base interest rate for Series A and B savings certificates.
Savings Certificates - Series C
Portaria n.º 73-A/2008, de 23 de janeiro (subsequently amended by Declaração de Retificação n.º 1-D/2008, de 25 de janeiro and amended by Portaria n.º 230-A/2009, de 27 de fevereiro and Portaria n.º 268-D/2012, de 31 de agosto), which approved the legal regime of savings certificates, Series C.
Savings Certificates - Series D
• Portaria n.º 17-B/2015, de 30 de janeiro, which approved the legal regime of savings certificates, Series D.
Savings Certificates - Series E
• Portaria n.º 329-A/2017, de 30 de outubro which approved the legal regime of savings certificates, Series E.
Savings Certificates - Series F
• Portaria n.º 149-A/2023, de 2 de junho (subsequently amended by Despacho n.º 11797/2024, de 07 de outubro) which approves the legal regime of savings certificates, Series F.
Treasury Certificates
Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 40/2010, de 11 de junho, which approved the legal regime of Treasury Certificates.
Instrução n.º 2-A/2012, de 31 de agosto, which determined the suspension of subscriptions for Treasury Certificates.
Instrução n.º 1/2024 do IGCP, E.P.E., de 06 de fevereiro, referring to the amounts to be charged to interested parties for administrative procedures related to the issuance, subscription, transmission, and refund of retail debt securities.
Treasury Certificates Savings Plus
Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 62/2013, de 10 de outubro (subsequently amended by Order No. 1036-C/2015, of January 30), which approved the legal regime of Treasury Certificates Savings Plus (CTPM).
Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 157-D/2017, de 27 de outubro, which determined the suspension of subscriptions for Treasury Certificates Savings Plus (CTPM).
Instrução n.º 1/2024 do IGCP, E.P.E., de 06 de fevereiro, referring to the amounts to be charged to interested parties for administrative procedures related to the issuance, subscription, transmission, and refund of retail debt securities.
Treasury Certificates Savings Growth
Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 157-D/2017, de 27 de outubro, which approved the legal regime of Treasury Certificates Savings Growth (CTPC).
Instrução n.º 1/2024 do IGCP, E.P.E., de 06 de fevereiro, referring to the amounts to be charged to interested parties for administrative procedures related to the issuance, subscription, transmission, and refund of retail debt securities.
Treasury Certificates Savings Value
Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 131-B/2021, de 10 de setembro, which approved the legal regime of Treasury Certificates Savings Value (CTPV).
Instrução n.º 1/2024 do IGCP, E.P.E., de 06 de fevereiro, referring to the amounts to be charged to interested parties for administrative procedures related to the issuance, subscription, transmission, and refund of retail debt securities.
- Public Entities
Legal Regime
Decreto-Lei n.º 133/2013, de 3 de outubro, (consolidated version, which approved the legal regime of the public business sector).
Special short-term debt certificates (CEDIC)
Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 111/2009, de 25 de novembro, which approved the regime of Special Short-Term Debt Certificates (CEDIC).
Special medium and long-term debt certificates (CEDIM)
Resolução do Conselho de Ministros nº 14/2011, de 21 de fevereiro, which approved the regime of Special Medium and Long-Term Debt Certificates (CEDIM).