Simulator CT Savings Growth
The value of the Treasury Savings Growth Certificates (CTPC) was obtained considering:
The annual interest rates in force at the time of purchase;
In the second and subsequent years, the fixed interest rate is increased by a premium based on the average growth in GDP - Gross Domestic Product. This premium is published by IGCP on its website on the penultimate working day of the month prior to the interest payment date;
The premium only applies in the event of positive average real GDP growth and will not be corrected retroactively because of subsequent revisions to the GDP estimates published by INE.
The interest shown is annual, net of IRS (Personal Income Tax) at the rate in force today.
The remuneration presented does not incorporate the future forecast of real GDP growth, so the interest may be underestimated.
Legal Notice
The value shown is for illustrative and information purposes only and cannot be considered as an official basis for any other purposes.
IGCP therefore does not assume any responsibility or consequences arising from the improper use of the information presented in this calculation.
This information does not replace the reading of the Technical Sheets for Treasury Certificates.