Cash management goal
The key strategic objective of the cash management is to promote treasury unity so as to ensure the rationalisation and optimisation of public funds management.
In order to meet this objective, the means and technologies necessary to render banking services of excellence were developed. These were designed according to the services’ specific needs in order to centralise the funds of all of the State’s Direct and Indirect Administration bodies, the State-owned enterprises and the European Community.
While acting as the State’s bank, IGCP, E.P.E has a direct participation in the interbank clearing of cheques, interbank electronic transfers, Multibanco (ATM) and in the real-time gross settlement RTGS – TARGET systems, using the same instruments as banks to process all of the State’s payments and receipts.
The banking services rendered offer the further advantage of having been developed in close partnership with all of the State’s Central Treasury clients. This has brought about a carry-over effect in the automation of the internal procedures of these bodies and in the accounting systems themselves.
The integration of the applications supporting cash management with the budgetary control applications and accounting systems also brings about greater rationalisation and ease in the management of the budgets of the Public Bodies that use the State’s Bank.