On June 28, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. (11:00 a.m. CET) IGCP performed an exchange offer of the following Portuguese Government bonds: - IGCP bought EUR 191,000,000 of the OT 2.875% 15Oct2025 at 99.883%
- IGCP bought EUR 164,000,000 of the OT 2.875% 21Jul2026 at 99.956%
- IGCP bought EUR 520,000,000 of the OT 4.125% 14Apr2027 at 104.472%
- IGCP sold EUR 315.000.000 of the OT 1.65% 16Jul2032 at 89.36%
- IGCP sold EUR 560.000.000 of the OT 1% 12Apr2052 at 55.31%
» Auction Reverse and Exchange Offer Results IGCP, E.P.E, June 28th, 2023 |